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Showing posts from February, 2010

Create Pages in Blogger

Blogger now makes it easy to create Pages linked from your blog. This feature lets you easily publish static information on stand-alone pages. For example, you can create an About This Blog page that discusses the evolution of your blog, or a Contact Me page that provides directions, a phone number, and a map to your location. Here Steps:-

Old Content for Better Search Rankings and Getting Fresh Links

You may have gotten some good links in the past, but don't count on them helping you forever. Old links go stale in the eyes of Google . Do you still get links to old content? Tell us why you think that is. Google's Matt Cutts responded to a user-submitted question asking if Google removes PageRank coming from links on pages that no longer exist (for example, GeoCities pages that have been shut down). The answer to this question is unsurprisingly yes, but Cutts makes a statement within his response that may not be so obvious to everybody.